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Are you a Christian?

Many people think that because God created man in His image, it follows necessarily that all people have eternal life but this is not so. It is the true Christian who is promised eternal life with God.

Who then is a true Christian? Many people think that a Christian is the one who goes to church, has been water baptised, takes communion, believes in God, reads the Bible, prays, obeys the commandments of God and does charitable works. They hold the view that a Christian is the one who does not drink alcohol, smoke, go on drugs, have sex outside marriage and live a good life. Much as these do’s and don’ts or actions are important in the life of the Christian, they do not necessarily perse make one a true Christian. At least, they describe the behaviour of a Christian.

Firstly, a true Christian is a person in whose heart Jesus Christ lives. This means that a true Christian is one who has responded to a “call” or who has made a choice to follow Jesus Christ. It must be noted that there are many churchgoers in whose hearts Jesus is not living. Secondly, a  true Christian is one who receives Jesus Christ into his life (Jn. 1:12) and has been given the power to be called a child of God. Next, he is one who believes in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31) and finally, he is one who confesses Christ and believes in the resurrection (Rom. 10:9-10).

Are you a true Christian?

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